On 19 june 2023 , Mathematics association 'HESTIA'  has organized a reading day programme named "Mozhi". The programme was inaugurated by Reghu Sir , M.Ed department. The programme aim to improve the reading and speaking skills among students.

We set the competition into two rounds. Before going to the programme we classify the students into five groups.


Round 1 is a comprehension round. We give an English passage to each group and instruct them to read carefully. The time period allotted was five minutes. After they read the passage we give a couple of related questions to check their precision in reading. 


Round 2 focused on Malayalam  speking skills. Members from each group has to participate this session. They deliver a one minute speech in Malayalam related to a topic that they select through taking lot.  The students are selected for this session  in an strange manner. Because 5th group will decide the students from 1st group for the competition,  1st decides 5th and the following order. The important instruction was they don't speak any English word in the speech .

After completing two sessions. We add the total marks for each group . There is a tie in two groups.So we need a third round to declare the winner.
Round 3 was a tongue twister round . A member from each two groups has to come and take a lot and  repeat the line in ten times clearly. The round was so much fun and everyone enjoyed a lot. We will declare the winner in our next assembly. 


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