DAY 13
Today, I arrived at the school at 8:00 a.m. and opened the school auditorium where we are placed. As I had morning line duty, I joined the line duty and arranged the students in a proper way to their classrooms. The line duty ended at 9:15 a.m. In the second period, I had a maths class with 9F. Today, I tackled some questions related to the first chapter and concluded it. In the fourth period, I had a maths class with 8B. At the beginning of the class, I pointed out the mistakes the students made in their examination, writing their errors on the blackboard and explaining them. Afterward, I handed back their answer papers. There was little time left in the fourth hour, so I managed to cover only one question in the class.After lunch, I had a maths class with 9D. I explained the last exercise problems in the first chapter. In the last period, I had a maths class with 8A, where I taught the method to draw the bisector of an angle. We left the school at 4:10 p.m.
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