Innovative model

Chapter : Equal triangles My innovative model is based on the chapter 'Equal triangles' in 8th standard. The model is a summary of the first chapter to recollect and analyse the major facts learned in an innovative way. The model consist of two parts - First part is the content board and the second part is the spinning octagonal prism. In the content board with eight contents are written in eight colour papers. In the octagonal prism, the eight faces are covered with eight colours and eight contents are written and hide it them with same colours in the content board. Also I have eight colour papers in my hand with the same colors in the board. I called one student to come forward and pick one colour. The student picked the colour paper and I asked him to see the content in the bord with the colour that he picked. Then he read the content and I asked him about the content. The student explained the chosen content and recollect his knowledge and explained to ...