
Showing posts from June, 2024

DAY 13

 Today, I arrived at the school at 8:00 a.m. and opened the school auditorium where we are placed. As I had morning line duty, I joined the line duty and arranged the students in a proper way to their classrooms. The line duty ended at 9:15 a.m. In the second period, I had a maths class with 9F. Today, I tackled some questions related to the first chapter and concluded it. In the fourth period, I had a maths class with 8B. At the beginning of the class, I pointed out the mistakes the students made in their examination, writing their errors on the blackboard and explaining them. Afterward, I handed back their answer papers. There was little time left in the fourth hour, so I managed to cover only one question in the class.Af ter lunch, I had a maths class with 9D. I explained the last exercise problems in the first chapter. In the last period, I had a maths class with 8A, where I taught the method to draw the bisector of an angle. We left the school at 4:10 p.m.

DAY 10 - Optional Observation day

 I reached the school very early around 8:00 am The auditorium was closed at that time. I open the grill and Iam the first person entering the auditorium. Then my friends had come.  I assisted Anjana in reaching the auditorium. Gopika end me are the mathematics optional  BEd Students in our college. The Jiji teacher called us and said that two mathematics teacher  in the school are taken  leave for long days, so we have to take classes for them.So we got classes 8 S, 9 D, 9 F and 9 X. We don't have cany idea that how  this works and we returned back to the auditorium. Today is a very significant day, because we had observation by Deepthi teachers. Gopika had optional observation in the second period. I had observation in the third period. Teacher had listed the positives and the points of improvements in the observation book. After that I had noon duty at 12:10 pm. After lunch I had dass at 9 F in the fifth period and 8 C in the 6th period. We left the school at 4:15 pm.


 In the morning, the plus one orientation took place in the common auditorium, marking the starting of Plus one classes, so we moved to the mini auditorium where we took our seats. In the second period, I had cat 9 X class. I focused on Problems based on pair of equations . . After I had my regular math class at 8 B during the fourth period. The students appeared quite tired. I took a few moments to encourage them and boost their energy. I put my best efforts to convey the solutions to the problems cleanly. After my dass we ate lunch at the mini auditoriam. 


 The day began with a heavy rain which continued through out the morning. Despite the weather, I joined the morning line duty. The BEd trainees from other colleges are also doing the morning duty. The highlight of today was the music event held in front of Cardinal clemes block as part of music  day. The Students showcased their musical talents playing instruments cand singing beautifully. It was heartwarming to see their Enthusiasm and skill. 


 Today is the seventh day of internship at St. Mary's Higher Secondary School pattom, tum. I reached at 8:450 It was a rainy day. I had mathematics class is the fourth period . We were prepared well for the class, since  we expected that the general teaches come today. But they don't came. In my dass, I divide the students into groups and give activity card to each   bench where each bench is a group. The student were filled correctly want Iam very happy that they understood well. After lunch, I had a substitution period at 8X. I gave them a math puzzle and everyone enjoyed.


 Today is the sixth day of our internship at St Mary's Higher Secondary school, Pattom, TVM. I reached the school at 9:00 am. Today is reading day and the entrance of the cardinal clemes block , there figuring  a giant book surrounded by smaller ones highlighting the importance of the day. The school was preparing to organise today's program, with the chief guest, the famous film actor and Central minister, Suresh Gopi.Only the ninth students allowed to Joint the programm  in the auditorium, while the eighth grade Students had regular class. We join the inauguration ceremony. 


 Today I reached the school at 8:45 am. June 19 is celebrated as Reading Day, so the school is conducting program tomorrow. The auditorium has been arranged properly for the event.  The chief guest for tomorrow's program is actor Suresh Gopi. It film was a rainy day. I had math class during the third Period. I had noon duty at 12:10 pm, where I served lunch to the students. After lunch, a student from class 9 X approached us and informed us they need a math teacher for the 6th period. I went there and taught them the method of solving some two equations and basic concepts. The maths teacher for this class has not been appointed yet . After my class, a student asked me to teach them mathematics in the days, but I couldn't say yes because we are only allowed to teach one class as per school rules. We also helped arrange the seats in the auditorium for tomorrow's program. We left the school at 4 pm.


 Today is the fourth day of our internship, and we followed a special time table: Saturday's schedule mirrored Wednesday's. The class teacher of 6 F was absent, so I took attendance for the class. out of 36 students, 18 were Present. Afterward, I returned to the auditorium. I had my lass during the third period, where I planned to complete my third lesson plan and students met the learning objectives. I had noon duty at 1200 pm, which was a pleasant experience as I got to serve food to the children. B.Ed students from different colleges  in the school had noon duty, and everyone arrived on time and performed their task efficiently. Affer lunch two igh school students informed us that the 8 J class was free, but when I went there the corresponding teacher was present. The students apologized when I returned. At 3:00 p.m., we went to the canteen for tea and we left the school at 4:00 p.m.


 Today is the third day of our internship at St Mary's Higher Secondary school. I arrived at 8:20 am. The morning duty was assigned to the next group of students. I had the math class at 8 B during the second period . The school is conducting an NCC Selection program, so around seven students were absent from the class. Today, I had a good teaching experience as the students listened carefully and gave positive feedback throughout the class. After the lunch barak, I had va substitution class vat 9 V. The students were a bit restless, so I asked them how many of them found mathematics to be a toughest subject. About ten students responded that they did. Then I asked them about mathematics puzzles, and they all showed interest.  I gave them an interesting dot puzzle cand dedicated the entire fifth period  from 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm, to finding the Solution. The students very engaged very well try  their best to solve the  puzzle, but no one succeeded. I encouraged them to think from dif

Digital textbook


 Today I have morning duty so I reached the school early as possibl. To check the lines of students when they entered in to the School was my first duty. The duty ends at 9:15 am. After that we move on to the auditorium. At 10:00 am, our group is split into Small Sections and assigned different duties. Some of them are went to substitution classes and some of them went to principals office and me and  Gopika were allotted to kitchen duty kitchen is located at the end of the ground. It was a nice experience by spending time there and helping to cut vegetables. At 11:00 am we came back to the auditorium. I had the period at 11:55 to 12:35 pm. So I am preparing for any class. After lunch I got a substitution class at 8 C. I give a mathematics puzzle to the students. Everyone try to find the answer. But no one got it. At the end of the period I solve it and they enjoyed the session. Puzzles are the best tool to engage students. At 3:30 pm we had evening duty,  at 4:15 pm we left the school


  Today is the first day of ous internship for the B.Ed curriculum at St. Mary's Higher secondary school, Patton, tvm. Our group of 16 Students arrived at the school at 8:45 at St. Mary's is renowned for having the highest number of students in Asian continent. We went to Headmaster office, where we were warmly welcomed and recieved valuable advice about the School, its teachers, cand students. We then proceeded to the Principal's office. where the principal provided further instructions. Then we were directed to the Auditorium, which would serve as our base. The school is remarkably large, with 13,000 students foom kindergarten to Higher Secondary levels. We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to teach at this institution. The School is highly systematic and well-organized. Due to the large-student population, Some classes are held in the auditorium.Our supervisor or mentor is Ajeesh Sir who gave us additional instructions about oue classes. He is also my concerned Math